- creditreform.com
- About us
- Our locations
Creditreform International: Our locations
We have 167 offices with 4,500 employees spread over 22 countries in Europe and in China which are there for you on Location - your local Creditreform branch office is where your own company is located.
- Creditreform International: Locations in Europe and in China
As one of the leading credit information providers in Europe, we operate directly on-site in 22 European countries and China. The location of your company’s registered office will determine which Creditreform office you should contact. For example, if your company is located in the UK, please contact our office in the UK.
Please choose your nearest Creditreform country office from the following list:
- AT - Austria / Österreich
Creditreform Wirtschaftsauskunftei Kubicki KG
Muthgasse 36-40 / Bauteil 4
AT- 1190 Wien
Phone.: +43 1 218 622 00
Fax: +43 1 218 622 03 99
www.creditreform.at - BG - Bulgaria / България
Creditreform Bulgaria EOOD
ul. Sandor Petofi 10
1606 SofiaTel.: +359 2 929 39 93
+359 2 928 26 11
Fax: +359 2 920 09 94
www.creditreform.bgDatenschutzbeauftragter: Herr Enil Enev
tel.: +35924192370, +359894100370
e-mail: dpo@creditreform.bg - CH - Switzerland / Schweiz / Suisse / Svizzera
Schweizerischer Verband Creditreform Gen (Genossenschaft)
Thurgauerstrasse 36/38
CH 8050 Zürich
Tel +41 44 307 80 66
www.crediweb.chMore about Creditreform in Switzerland
This office also provides services for clients in the Principality of Liechtenstein.
- CN - China
Creditreform in China
Head Office:
11th Floor, Unit A, Shanghai Global Harbor, Tower B
1188 North Kaixuan Bei Road,
200063 Shanghai, China
Tel.: +86.21.3638.6227;
Email: info@creditreform.cn
www.creditreform.cnCall Center Kushan
Shanghai Pudong Software Park, Building #4,
Suite 306-7, 828 Xueyuan Road,
Kunshan, Jiangsu Province 215311, ChinaEurope:
Route de Gland 32B,
1267 Vich VD,
SwitzerlandPhone: +41.(0)21.824.3777
Email: eu@3acredit.comCreditreform International
Hammfelddamm 13,
DE-41460 Neuss, Germany - CZ - Tschechien / Česká republika
Creditreform s.r.o.
Oldřichova 97/51
CZ-128 00 Praha 2Tel.: +420 221 228 030
E-mail: info@creditreform.cz
www.creditreform.cz - DE - Germany / Deutschland
Verband der Vereine Creditreform e.V.
Hammfelddamm 13
D- 41460 Neuss
Phone.: +49 21 31 109-0
Fax: +49 21 31 109-8000
www.creditreform.deMore about Creditreform in Germany
Your nearest Creditreform office in Germany - EE - Estland / Eesti
Creditreform Eesti OÜ
Pirita Tee 20
EE- 10127 Tallinn
Phone: +372 6826 302
Fax: +372 6826 301
info@creditreform.eeMore about Creditreform in Estonia
- HR - Croatia / Hrvatska
Creditreform d.o.o.
Božidara Adžije 19
HR - 10000 Zagreb
Phone: +385 1 6311 477
Fax: +385 1 6311 499
www.creditreform.hr - HU - Hungary / Ungarn / Magyarorszag
Credit Control Kft. - Member of Creditreform International e.V.
1138 Budapest,
Madarász Viktor utca 47-49Phone: +36-1-456-0854
Fax: +36-1-215-6305
www.creditcontrol.hu - IT - Italy / Italia
Aletheia S.r.l. - Member of Creditreform International e.V.
Via Giardini 466
IT- 41124 Modena
Phone: +39 059 342 301
info@aletheiagroup.it - LT - Lithuania / Lietuva
UAB "Creditreform Lietuva"
Kalvarijų G. 98-32
LT-08211 Vilnius
+370 52 66 13 80
+370 52 79 13 08
www.creditreform.lt - LU - Luxemburg / Luxembourg
Creditreform Luxembourg S.A.
50, Rue Gabriel Lippmann
LU- 6905 NiederanvenPhone: +352 263 46 0
Fax: +352 263 46 050info@creditreform.lu
www.creditreform.luMore about Creditreform in Luxemburg
This office also provides serveces for clients in France and Belgian on Luxembourg.
- LV - Latvia / Latvija
SIA Creditreform Latvija
Skanstes 50
LV- 1013 Riga
Phone: +371 67 50 10 30
Fax: +371 67 50 10 40 - MD - Moldova
Creditreform Moldova
Contact address:
Decebal Tower, 62 Turturelelor Str., 7th fl.
030882, Bucharest, RomaniaMobil: +40 751 079 435
Mobil: +40 743 028 079info@creditreform.ro
www.creditreform.mdAlexandra MIU
Managing Partner
alexandra.miu@creditreform.md - PL - Polen / Polska
Creditreform Polska Sp. z o.o.
ul. Kossaka 17
PL- 01-576 Warszawa
Phone: +48 22 440 1500
Fax: +48 22 440 1506
www.creditreform.pl - RO - Romania
Creditreform Romania SRL
Decebal Tower
62 Turturelelor Str., 7th fl.
030882, Bucharest, RomaniaMobil: +40 751 079 435
Mobil: +40 743 028 079
info@creditreform.roAlexandra MIU
Managing Partnermobil: +40 743 028 079
alexandra.miu@creditreform.ro - RS - Serbia / Srbija / Србија
Creditreform d.o.o.
Omladinskih brigada 7/I/1
RS-11070 Novi Beograd
Phone: +381 11 26 96 059
Phone: +381 11 26 73 383 - SI - Slovenia / Slovenija
Creditreform d.o.o.
Trg komandanta Staneta 8
SI-1000 Ljubljana
- SK - Slovakia / Slovensko
Creditreform s.r.o.
Záhradnícka 75
SK-821 08 Bratislava
Phone: +421 2 330 563 72
- TR - Turkey / Türkiye
Cumhuriyet Mah., Derviş Eroğlu Cad.,
Bizimkent Sitesi, Bizimkent D:15, No:5AC1/1
TR-34520 Beylikdüzü/İSTANBUL+90 212 852 08 53
+90 212 852 69 69
+90 212 876 44 15 (fax) - UA - Creditreform Ukraine / Ukrayina
IA Creditreform Ukraine OOO
ul. Turgenevskaia 71. of. 310
UA. 04050 KievTemporary not available!
Phone: +380 44 486 5387
Fax: +380 44 486 5734 - UK - United Kingdom
Creditreform (UK) Limited
Fairgate House
205 Kings Road
B11 2AAPhone: +44 121 442 5330
Fax: +44 121 442 5340 - ZZ - Other country
Your company is not located in any of the above listed countries? So please contact our head quarters in Germany where we will be pleased to help you.
Verband der Vereine Creditreform e.V.
Hammfelddamm 13
D- 41460 Neuss
Phone: +49 21 31 109-276
Fax: +49 21 31 109-276
E-Mail: info@creditreform.com